Get to know us

Serve - Strengthen the quality of public media's content and services standard, and deepen the engagement with audiences and users, by creating entertaining content on regular basis.

Brand Values

1.Trust - We fulfil your (viewers/associates) expectations every single time, building trust along the way.

2.Quality - We ensure that our content quality exceeds the required Television Standard or entertainment industry.

3.Collaborations - We collaborate with the best performance artist, Back frame artist to build remarkable projects.

4.Integrity - We make sure that we hold strong onto our principle & give you the best.

Our Prior Goal is

1.To stamp - Chhattisgarh's entertainment industry world map with their unseen talent.

2.To spread - Chhattisgarh's Lok Kala, Lok Parampara And their very own boli vide.

3.To explore - Chhattisgarh's unexplored heritage & Tourism all over the world.

white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting